Sunday, February 28, 2010


So yesterday was the Birkie. The short story: Lost two gels while trying to fiddle around with getting it out of a brand new pouch. Never drank from my bottle. The gels I had stapled to my drink belt fell off in my race bag. Lost a basket. Spent a minute skiing back down to reattach the darn thing. Cramped up in both legs.

I don't know what I was thinking. Although I managed to place right in the middle of my wave I also managed to partially reenact my epic Birkie of 2008 where I cramped up at 35k and had to walk the hills. I was a little luckier this time. I cramped up at 40k, but not so badly that I had to walk the hills. Nevertheless, did I really think I could ski the Birkie on one 2h45m skate in the middle of January? Sure I had a few shorter and more intense workouts between that "long" ski and the Birkie, but really, wtf was I thinking?

Despite all that I managed to accomplish one goal. I stayed on my feet. In fact, I stayed on my feet at all my races this year except for Mora where I did a mini Majdic. Thankfully I didn't break any ribs or puncture a lung.

So that's it. My Birkie. My season. Next season I'll probably do more skate distance workouts and staple my gels to a fuel belt. I won't carry a bottle. I'll reglue my baskets. You got a story?


  1. I hit "refresh" and searched for e-quaintances on the results page. EXHAUSTING.

    Nice ski!

  2. Nice ski Kuan. It was one of the prettiest days I've spent on the Birkie Trail. You still looked pretty good when I saw you around ?77? Fun day!
